

Marketing Strategy

How to I get my customer acquisition off the ground?

I am running marketing for a brand new, B2B startup in San Francisco. I am looking to drive leads and sign-ups onto our platform. How do I successfully ramp up from 0? The business is about 2 years old.

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Allen Martinez

Helping enterprises to look like their valuation

B2B or B2C, at the end of the day.... you're dealing with "P2P" People to People. If your message is relevant within the context, you will get a high rate of response.

Based on our experience, we start by doing research into the demo and where they live. And create highly targeted video campaigns that:
1) Brand your company and what they do
2) Act as drivers back to your site, to create a funnel.

This accomplishes two things. First you build awareness and have people asking for your product by name.
Second, the video message would be highly-relevant as we would have placed contextually, relevant to the things they were reading.

Feel free to reach out for more information.

Answered almost 11 years ago

Scott Williams

CEO of Maga design Group

I am a huge advocate of building and maintaining your "Tribe" - Great book by Seth Godin, that we have used to build and grow our business. Stand for something specific and simple, and start with your personal ecosystem - and extend in concentric circles from there. Find ways to feed this network through giving into it - and quickly you will find that 10 hard core supporters become 100 and then 1000. It's hard to believe at first - but it works. Who do I know ? Are they the right kind of prospects ? You are selling you, at the end of the day.

Answered almost 11 years ago