


Best place to get feedback on (consumer-focused) fintech product features?

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javed iqbal

Expert in 20 fields

you can get feedback on consumer-focused fintech product features:

Online forums: Look for online forums or discussion groups related to personal finance or fintech. These can be a good place to get feedback from a broad range of people who are interested in financial technology.

Social media: Consider sharing your product and soliciting feedback on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn. You can also use social media to engage with influencers or experts in the fintech space who may be able to provide valuable insights.

User testing websites: Websites like allow you to pay people to test your product and provide feedback. This can be a good option if you want more structured and in-depth feedback from a specific group of people.

Customer interviews: Reach out to current or potential customers and ask if they would be willing to participate in a short interview about your product. You can use this opportunity to ask for feedback on specific features and gather more detailed insights.

Beta testing: Consider launching a beta test of your product with a small group of users. This can allow you to gather feedback and make any necessary refinements before launching the product more widely.

Answered almost 2 years ago

Karamjeet Singh

Masters in Computer Application

There are a few ways to get feedback on consumer-focused fintech product features:

User testing: You can recruit a small group of users to test out your product and provide feedback on the features. This can be done in person or remotely, depending on your resources and location.

Online forums: There are many online forums and communities focused on fintech, where you can get feedback on your product features from users and industry experts. Some popular forums include Reddit, Quora, and LinkedIn Groups.

Customer surveys: You can send out surveys to your existing customer base to gather feedback on your product features. This can be done through email or through a survey tool like SurveyMonkey.

Focus groups: You can also consider organizing a focus group, where a small group of users come together to discuss and provide feedback on your product features. This can be a more in-depth and structured way to gather feedback.

No matter which method you choose, it's important to listen carefully to the feedback you receive and consider how you can use it to improve your product.

Answered almost 2 years ago

Jagprit Singh

Mortgage specialist - Secured & Unsecured loans

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Ad Monetization Strategies
What are formulated for ad monetization

There are several strategies that can be used for ad monetization, including:

Cost-per-impression (CPM): Advertisers pay a fixed amount for every 1,000 times their ad is displayed.

Cost-per-click (CPC): Advertisers pay a fixed amount each time their ad is clicked.

Cost-per-action (CPA): Advertisers pay a fixed amount each time a user takes a specific action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a service.

Cost-per-view (CPV): advertiser pay when their ad is viewed

Native advertising: Advertisers pay to have their content displayed alongside the content of a publisher, with the goal of making the ad look like a natural part of the site.

Programmatic Advertising: It allow advertiser to use software to buy digital advertising, it use AI and machine learning to buy ad on website, mobile application and other online platforms which lead to better targeting and optimization of ads

These are some of the more common methods, but there are many other strategies that can be used to monetize ads. The best strategy will depend on the goals of the advertiser and the nature of the audience they are trying to reach.
Best place to get feedback on (consumer focused) fintech product features

There are several places where you can get feedback on consumer-focused fintech product features, including:

Online communities: Websites and forums such as Reddit, Quora, and ProductHunt are great places to gather feedback and ideas from a wide range of users.

Social media: Platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn can be used to conduct surveys and polls, as well as to gather feedback on specific features or aspects of your product.

Beta testers: Recruiting a group of beta testers who are willing to try out your product and provide feedback can be a great way to gather feedback and identify areas for improvement.

User research: Conducting user research with your target market in a lab or in their natural environment can give you valuable insights into their pain points, needs and behavior.

Public user testing : Platforms like UserTesting, TryMyUI or UserZoom allows you to conduct user testing remotely to understand how user interact with your product

Customer support and Helpdesk: Monitoring feedback and questions from customer support can give you an idea of where users are getting stuck and what features they want to see in your product.

Public feedback from competition : keeping an eye on public feedback and reviews from users on similar products and services in the fintech industry can help you to identify what people are looking for and what features are already available.

Ultimately, the best place to get feedback will depend on your specific product and target market. It is a good idea to gather feedback from multiple sources to get a well-rounded understanding of how your product is perceived and what features would be most valuable to your users.

Answered over 1 year ago

Ankit bader

Ankit is a management consultant.

There are several ways to get feedback on consumer-focused fintech product features, depending on your goals and the stage of development of your product. Some options include:

User testing: Conducting user testing allows you to observe real users interacting with your product and provides valuable insights into how people use it, what problems they encounter, and what features they find most useful. User testing can be done in-person or remotely.

Surveys: Surveys can be an effective way to gather feedback from a large number of people in a short period of time. They can be used to gather feedback on specific product features, or to gather more general feedback about the product as a whole. Surveys can be conducted online, via email, or over the phone.

Focus groups: Focus groups are a great way to gather qualitative feedback from a small group of users. They can be used to discuss specific product features and gather feedback on how they might be improved.

Online communities: Building an online community of beta users or potential customers, who are willing to test and provide feedback on your product, is a great way to get feedback early on. Platforms like Reddit, LinkedIn, and Facebook have active communities of fintech enthusiasts, who are more than willing to provide feedback on new products.

Industry events and conferences: Industry events and conferences are a great place to get feedback on fintech products. This can be a good way to get feedback from industry experts and potential customers, as well as to learn about new trends and best practices in the field.

It's important to keep in mind that feedback from different sources will have different value, for example, feedback from beta testers will be more valuable than feedback from people who only saw an ad, it's also important to be clear on what kind of feedback you're looking for and design your methods accordingly. Additionally, considering multiple feedback channels will allow you to get a more comprehensive and diverse feedback, which will give you a more accurate picture of how your product is perceived by your target audience.

Answered over 1 year ago

Thabet Al

Entrepreneurship and startup expert

There are several ways to get feedback on consumer-focused fintech product features, including:

User testing: Conducting user testing with a small group of target users can provide valuable insights into how they interact with and perceive your product.

Online forums and communities: Joining online forums and communities related to fintech can give you access to a large group of potential users who can provide feedback on your product.

Surveys: Surveys are a quick and easy way to gather feedback from a large number of users. They can be distributed through social media, email, or in-app.

Beta testing: Releasing a beta version of your product to a small group of users can provide valuable feedback on bugs and usability issues.

Fintech accelerator or incubator: Joining a fintech accelerator or incubator program can provide access to a network of industry experts, investors, and potential customers who can provide feedback on your product.

Ultimately, the best place to get feedback on your product will depend on your target audience, and the resources you have available.

Answered over 1 year ago

Ikenna Ikegbunam

Co-founder and CTO, TechWorks

There are several places where you can get feedback on consumer-focused fintech product features, including:

Online forums: Websites such as Reddit and Quora have active communities of users who can provide feedback on your product features.

Social media: Platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn are great places to reach out to potential customers and gather feedback on your product features.

User testing platforms: Websites such as and allow you to conduct user testing and gather feedback on your product features.

Beta testing: Recruit a group of early adopters to test your product and provide feedback on the features.

Online surveys: Use online survey tools such as SurveyMonkey to gather feedback on your product features.

Focus groups: Gather a group of potential customers to discuss and provide feedback on your product features.

Incubators and accelerators: Many incubators and accelerators have a network of industry experts and early adopters who can provide feedback on your product features.

Industry events: Attend industry events such as fintech conferences and networking events to gather feedback on your product features from experts and potential customers.

It's important to gather feedback from a diverse group of users to get a well-rounded understanding of how your product features are received. Be open to constructive criticism, and use the feedback to improve your product features and meet the needs of your target audience.

Answered over 1 year ago