


How to Connect with Your Customer Through Brand Storytelling Can you share your views on the same topic?

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Ripul Chhabra

AI & MVP Expert

Branding is all about creating a story that connects with your customer and inspires them to buy your product or service. By telling your brand's story in a compelling way, you can turn potential customers into loyal advocates. Here are some tips on how to create brand storytelling that will connect with your customer:

1. Come up with a clear and concise mission statement - Your mission statement should be clear, concise, and easy to understand. It should also be relevant to your industry and target market.

2. Develop a clear brand image - What do you stand for? What do your customers think of you? How do you want them to remember you? Once you have a good understanding of your brand image, it's time to develop a story that will help explain it to the world.

3. Create a visual identity - Your visual identity should be consistent across all marketing materials, from website design to social media profiles. It should also be appealing and consistent with your brand story.

4. Tell your story in creative ways - Use creative content formats such as video, photos, and infographics to tell your brand's story in an engaging way. This will help draw in more customers and turn them into advocates.

These are my views, I hope it helps!

Answered over 2 years ago

Craig Martin

Brand strategist + business Consultant

Have you identified and validated your customer group?

Customers are purposeful with the brands they associate with in the current economy. Your first step is to identify their core values (what they genuinely care about), then determine how your brand values and your value proposition (product) align and brings value to them — this is normally done using a framework.

Beyond your product, identify what you do, why you do it, and why it is important. Once all this information is gathered, you should have enough data to craft a straightforward story that resonates with your target group — clarity and consistency are vital to impact customer behavior.

Answered over 2 years ago

Lucrecia Garino

Creative Brand Strategy. circa 2010

John was an introverted boy who found it difficult to communicate with the outside world. He felt overwhelmed and misunderstood. But he had a secret talent that he used to express himself and connect with the world around him—he was a master storyteller.

John wrote stories that were brimming with emotion and insight. He wrote stories about people and creatures, and he wrote stories about his own life. His stories were his way of communicating the things he was too shy to say out loud.

John's stories were a lifeline to the outside world, and he was able to share his innermost thoughts and feelings with people he could never hope to connect with in person. His stories made him feel heard, understood, and appreciated.

John was an introvert, but he still found a way to share his thoughts and feelings with the world. His stories connected him with people from all walks of life, and he was able to build a bridge between his inner world and the outside world. And for that, he was truly thankful.

// This is how you connect with your customers, instead of coldly explaining the benefits of storytelling you can feel something for John, you can relate or differenciate. But in the end the sensation is what lasts, and it last longer that a list of benefits. I often see companies investing on storyboards even animated videos that are truly empty and unrelatable, storytelling is not easy.
Focus on your brand's values, mission, and message, in relation with your customer.
This means focusing on the customer’s needs and interests and crafting stories that will speak to them and make them feel like they belong to the brand community.

Answered over 1 year ago