

Personal Development

Does sitting at home makes you weak or its an option to success?

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Benjamin Dewar

Replacing modern diet and fitness ideas

As a lifelong student, i've come to understand what sitting does to the human body. Generally-speaking, people who sit in (and thus outsource their skeletomusculature system to) chairs for extended periods of time will develop very predictable mobility issues, which leads towards a loss of physical function. This has many implications.

Then you must consider myriad of other factors... Sitting (especially in the same environment) causes brain atrophy, and negatively impacts our glymphatic system, metabolism, and ability to control blood sugar.

Bottom line: Humans aren't meant to be sedentary. Sitting in excess creates many problems. Move or die.

Answered over 4 years ago

Matthias Kaiser

Deep tech sales and business development magician

That depends only on you! Try to fill your time with something useful that helps you later on. Learn a new language or a new skill, participate in hackathons to meet new people and maybe come up the next big thing, scout for opportunities. You know, currently everyone sits at home and is bored. It is the easiest time to get in contact with people that would be much to busy to talk to you during normal times....

Answered over 4 years ago

Ripul Chhabra

AI & MVP Expert

It relies upon you. If you are willing to do something and want to acquire a great purpose, sitting at home gives you a great opportunity. Find something good to keep you busy. It is a good option to be successful sitting at home by using the internet and your knowledge. You may earn money sitting at home in numerous ways. If you need to earn money online, there are lot of resources available, however I would advise you to start with the clean and the first-rate one is youtube. The simplest thing you want to understand how to optimize your video on the way to get the search rankings. If you could succeed on youtube then you can create more than one income resource from that one youtube channel. As an example, if you have at the least 10k subscribers then you may earn money from

YPP (Youtube associate software)
Sponsor videos (ex: FameBit)
Affiliate advertising (Amazon, Clickbank, and many others.)
By using promoting your own logo and promote your very own products or services
There are multiple ways that you can earn money if you can succeed in one YouTube channel.
As an Influencer Marketer

The only thing you need to have some patience and consistency work.

I hope you acquire a few values from this. If you want it please share it along with your buddies who need it.

Answered over 4 years ago

Joy Broto

🌎Harvard Certified Global Corporate Trainer🌍

Our story starts with COVID-19. News began to emerge that a new virus, causing flu-like symptoms and pneumonia, had been reported in Wuhan Province in China. The virus was given the reference Covid 19 by the World Health Organisation (WHO). Currently, no specific treatment options exist for the treatment of this particular pathogen and as a result, the spread has been rapid and by the end of January, evidence of COVID-19 infections had been identified worldwide, including the UK, US, Australia and Italy. Particularly vulnerable to the virus were elderly people, classed as over 70, or over 60 with underlying medical issues such as heart disease or respiratory issues, but the sheer quantity of the potential number of cases – one estimate has around 70 – 80% of the population contracting Coronavirus (COVID-19) with a 1% mortality rate – meant that enormous pressure would be placed on medical facilities across the world. On the 11th March 2020, after 118000 reported cases and more than 4000 deaths across every continent except Antarctica, the WHO declared the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak to be a pandemic.
By this time, Governments across the world had begun to mobilise their responses to varying degrees of severity in order to reduce the rate of contraction of Coronavirus (COVID-19) – to ‘flatten the rate of infection curve’ thereby enabling health services to cope better with the numbers involved. From full ‘lockdown’, including the closure of towns, offices, shops etc. and home confinement, to advice to workers to avoid travelling to work if they could, suddenly a large portion of the workforce globally have found themselves working from home – whether they wanted to or not.
Now here we are doing WFH or WORK FROM HOME. Working from home has shrunk the scope of success to a great extent mostly working remotely, attending meeting via Zoom calls and submitting reports via mails. But there are issues. Back in April, Bloomberg reported on a U.S. employee survey administered by Eagle Hill Consulting, which found that just a month into the pandemic, “about 45% of workers said they were burned out” after working from home. “America’s always-on work culture has reached new heights,” the Bloomberg article warned. “Whatever boundaries remained between work and life have almost entirely disappeared.” A shift to remote work may allow employees to leave the expensive, crowded coastal cities where so many companies have clustered. It may usher in better lives for those with the privilege. But tech companies are also mastering of scale and excellent at exploiting inefficiencies. One big opportunity will be salary reductions. Mr. Zuckerberg has already hinted that employees would undergo cost-of-living decreases in pay to work remotely. But just because pay decreases, does not mean employer expectations will. Large remote staffs could usher in a new wave of employee surveillance tech. And big tech companies that have been offering catered meals and perks to keep employees tethered to the company campus may no longer have to.
Through trial and error, I learned many lessons about how to work from home without losing my mind: put on real clothes in the morning, try not to do work in the same rooms you sleep or relax in, break up your day, set boundaries. I began to use the privilege of working from home to prioritize balance, not productivity. I often work out or run a few errands in the middle of the day — and use that missed hour or so in the evening to catch up on work that requires more focus when things are quiet. And when work does slow down, I try not to spin my wheels: I go for a walk, I play with my pet. If something pops up at night, it does not feel as soul-crushing when you haven’t spent the day chained to the computer.
Working from home is sustainable only under the right conditions. To truly get it right, working remotely is an adaptation — getting rid of the inefficient and maddening parts of the office — that feels like a little act of protest. Offices are bullies. They force us to orient our days around commutes; commandeer our attention with unscheduled, drive by meetings; and enforce toxic dynamics like trying to look busy or staying until the boss leaves. All those weird quirks are ported over to the remote work world, but they can be quickly silenced by closing your laptop, even if just for a few moments.
Does sitting at home makes you weak or it’s an option to success? It is surely an option for success and it never results in making you weak. But you need to keep these facts in mind if you are WFH.
1. Secure your technology:
1. Keep your information safe by using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) instead of commercial internet providers, together with installing strong antivirus protection
2. Use strong, unique passwords and continually change them
2. Get organised:
1) Create a proper workspace, not everyone has a home office so move furniture around to give yourself room to work. This is essential if you are not the only one working from home!
2) Clear clutter, make yours a tidy home to work in
3) Ensure other family members respect your workspace and vice versa
4) Hide the TV remote control from view! Make 30 minutes TV viewing a reward for getting something done
5) Set out your working hours. Some people even have them written on a card on the wall.
6) Develop a routine with clear times for breaks
3. Be disciplined:
1. Have a clear distinction between where you sit for your ‘work mode’ and where you sit for your ‘home mode’
2. Dress for the working day, and watch out for your appearance if you video call someone (including checking what is in the background)
3. Work in short bursts and be realistic about what you can achieve in a day.
4. Do not work on the same task all day long, vary the levels of intensity and complexity
5. Manage and minimize distractions
6. Be sociable – do not forget to speak to other people, or to check in using instant messaging technology
7. Have a clear closure to the day and make sure your manager knows you have stopped work for the day, and managers – respect that closure and stop sending questions!
8. Managers - be respectful of childcare commitments, which will inevitably occur.
4. Take care of your own wellbeing:
1) Do not overlook personal hygiene: shower, shave, and dress for the day
2) Do not forget to take breaks – coffee, lunch, walk the dog. Send yourself daily diary invites to remind you
3) Even if you do not have a dog, get some fresh air and exercise even if only in the garden
4) Locate yourself somewhere with plenty of natural light, and brighten your workspace with flowers
5) Don’t feel guilty about phoning a friend for a chat, you need to overcome the feelings of isolation and if you were in the office, you’d spend some of the time chatting, wouldn’t you?
5. Set up strong communication links across the whole team:
• Set clear objectives for each day/week and have a ten-minute catch up at the start and end of each day
• Make the communication richer by using conferencing tools and a more friendly tone
• Managers - acknowledge the stress everyone is under, especially after a prolonged period of enforced home working. Be the cheerleader, break down the isolation and try and establish a feeling of normality to keep spirits up: send chocolates, set up virtual lunches or pizza parties using conference tools.
Use of these applications can help boost your success rates exponentially:
1. Instant Messaging applications: These apps provide the opportunity to send brief, chatty messages in real-time to individuals and groups. Great for asking that quick question or checking in on progress or how someone is. Instant messaging applications can work from phone to phone or from computer to computer. Set up an instant messaging group for the team and help everyone feel connected. A downside is that if the app is on your phone, it is never off so managers in particular need to use it with care outside normal working hours. Examples of Instant Messaging apps include Slack, WhatsApp, Jabber and Google Hangouts.
2. Telephone and Video conferencing: For lengthier communications or where you want to go face to face with your colleague, or a group of colleagues, telephone and video conferencing is ideal for home workers. These apps enable you to set up two- or multi-party conference calls, or video conferences between colleagues based anywhere in the world. The video calls do take a bit of getting used to and initially, you may not feel comfortable using the webcam facility on your laptop but do persevere, because the benefits gained from interacting face to face will help you to feel far more connected. These applications also have the capability to share information real-time using a share screen facility, excellent for that quick change to a presentation or to check on progress. Examples of conferencing applications include Zoom, Skype, Webex and Microsoft Teams.
3. Document Transfer applications: If you work with large files and documents, document transfer software is really useful in enabling the secure exchange and delivery of documents and data across a network, it is particularly valuable in sending files that may be too large for an email attachment. There are many options here including Dropbox, We transfer and Google Drive.
4. Collaboration Tools: Where you are needing to work together with colleagues on a document or project in a collaborative way, collaboration software is useful in allowing two or more individuals located anywhere in the world jointly to work simultaneously on a project document or spreadsheet to achieve a common goal. Proprietary software in this category includes Office 365, SharePoint, Slack and Asana.
Besides if you do have any questions give me a call:

Answered about 4 years ago