


How to attract CMO's and Marketing Directors to my brand?

Dear Sales/Marketing Experts, I own and am looking for help in creating an effective sales strategy for generating more qualified leads. After 13 years in operation, I have heavily relied on SEO and PPC for lead generation, but now times are changing. Do I need to build a list and cold call, networking events, conventions? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

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Artash Arakelyan

Entrepreneur, Strategist, Start-up Mentor

I reviewed some of your videos and they are impressive. First of all, I would like to know why you think times are changing since SEO and PPC are still million-dollar strategies for lots of B2B companies if everything is done well.

CMOs and marketing directors ---- you can reach them on websites that are actually valuable for them and they spend lots of time. So the following channels can be part of your targets:

1. Agency review websites. When it comes to hiring a new agency CMOs and marketing directors do searches and screening on agency review websites like Clutch, UpCity and etc to find their next great vendor. If you don't have a solid profile in such websites you should review your strategy on how you appear there for your target.

2. Google

On Google they search all their challenges, starting from how to increase the ROI, up to how to start with video strategy, how to measure it, how to find vendors, how to beat the competition etc. If you can answer to those questions then most probably you can be their preferred vendor too.

3. PPC

Of course, they are on Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, Reddit, Quora (you can answer to Q/A organically and build your brand too)

4. Marketing blogs / Influencers

Of course, they follow Neil Patel, Gary Vee. They read articles on Forbes, Search Engine Land, Hubspot Marketing Blog, etc. If your business is mentioned in those blogs then you get lots of high-quality refferal traffic to your website.

5. Networking / Social Groups

On Facebook and on Linkedin there are lots of great social networks where CMOs and marketing directors exchange valuable information. You should be cautious not to spam and give value first with all your posts and recommendations.

I'm an agency owner myself and have worked with a couple of hundred of CMOS and marketing directors. Give me a call to discuss your strategy and your options in greater detail to ensure your growth is predictable and scalable with whatever approach you want to invet in.

Answered almost 5 years ago

Sales/Job Hunting

Clarity Expert

Hi there,

Having worked in the marketing content creation space before, there are several ways in which you can go about lead generation.

First, you need to define which vertical your company has been historically successful in selling into and determine which methods of outreach you want to experiment with to generate leads.

After determining your target industry, you need to employ a hybrid approach of tailored email marketing, cold calling/emailing, and networking events to generate qualified leads. Having worked in tech sales for 6 years, I can help determine how to tailor your messaging to your target audience.

Happy to go into detail for these 3 different methods of lead generation on a call and provide example emails as needed.

Answered about 5 years ago

Jeffery Khoury

Founder & CEO of Doctor Pocket & Khoury Consulting

I would definitely suggest networking events & conventions. Cold calling never hurts. However, for your featured video on your website I think you need something more action-oriented. A demo of some-sort showing people what you do and how you work rather than a video you have produced. It is easy for you to know what you do but harder for others to understand with a single scroll-through when there is a vampire video.

Answered almost 5 years ago

Scott Clark

20 year digital marketer - clients to $3BB

Leverage LinkedIn Marketing platform to fill up your pipeline. Deliver an irresistible downloadable empathetic to their needs/pain points and deliver it via an Inmail and sponsored post campaign that informs but doesn't sell. Target by industry, title, geographic, company size overlays. Capture pixels from Google, Facebook, Twitter on your download landing page to facilitate retargeting on the clicks.

Ignore LinkedIn's suggested bids and turn off auto bidding, start at the minimum and lift it slowly. Check your demographic chart to be sure that job titles are CMO/Marketing directors.

Good luck!

Answered almost 5 years ago

Doug Thomas

Full-Stack Positioning-First Marketing

Tactically, I think you're up the right tree with networking -- however you want to do it. Since you have 13 years of clients to pull from, I'd look towards client referrals first, and here's a lot of re-engagement tactics you can use there.

In general, you need to rework how you position your video production in the market.

You say your videos speak for themselves -- but while they're high-quality, you're not directing folks to the parts of each video that your company direct that matter most. For example, what made the Vivioptal video one that you wanted to show off?

The strongest feature I can see on your site is that you're "Half the price" of your typical video production based in LA. If price is your only differentiator, you're going to have a difficult time qualifying leads because you're seeking bargain-finders, who are more willing to compromise on the things you'd think are important.

I'd love to talk a little with you about some easy ways to find your positioning so you can make your marketing work better for you without big changes to your media mix. Feel free to reach out!

Answered almost 5 years ago

Somesh Bhagat

Increasing sales through customer success


I help increase sales through customer success.

I think your videos are great. However the business strategy seems weak to me. At your home page there is not a clear value proposition. Your business does not say upfront what you do for your customers and what business objective they are looking for. And more importantly what you do different from others. (Price yes - but something else beyond as you seem to have some acute insights into creating value propositions through stories for your customers.)

Do you customer need help increase sales, trial, awareness, spur action, engagement etc, and how do you do this and how better than competition.

It is likely that you are a niche business. Normally cheaper is not a good strategy here. Plus someone can always do this cheaper than you can. It is very tough to stay profitable here unless you can charge a premium. It is possible that your business will or does struggle to get customers at good price and stay profitable, as it scales.

You say that markets that you serve are Chicago, New York, and LA. What is your business objective and capacity. Are these geographies good for that revenue target. Do you need to look at customer segments and personas, E.g. geography, size of organisation, industry, business objective, products etc. This should determine what else you need to do beyond SEO and PPC, and what there in. Networking event can be an expensive waste of money if it does not closely match your customer profile, for example. And even SEO and PPC are not useful enough if the leads that you get are not of the right profile - which is perhaps why you say times are a changing!

Your question seems to indicate that your organisation needs a business plan, that determines the sweet spot of a large market, customer needs you can fulfill, and where you have substantial or unique strengths.

I do not see your business changing the orbit without this.

I hope this help. Let me know if you need to talk.

Best wishes.

Answered almost 5 years ago

Joy Broto

🌎Harvard Certified Global Corporate Trainer🌍

To attract CMOs/Marketing Directors to your brand you can take the following steps:
1. Apply your understanding of roles and responsibilities: One of the most valuable lessons I've learned as a lifelong agency account manager and owner is the importance of developing a deep understanding of your client in order to have a productive and lasting relationship. Possessing working knowledge of the CMO's current roles and responsibilities is the essential starting point for a successful relationship. Beyond the standard CMO job description, each company has unique perspectives and expectations for this role. Make sure you know how your CMO differs from others. A relatively new addition to the C-level executive suite, the CMO role has evolved beyond oversight of brand and marketing initiatives over the years. The modern CMO is being asked to own the customer experience through the entire product lifecycle, not just the top of the sales funnel. This requires breaking down internal silos and mapping marketing to the customer experience, rather than internal infrastructure. The modern CMO must rely heavily on technology vendors, data aggregators, and multiple agencies to measure marketing efforts, gain insights, and generate results. Above all else, a CMO's survival is based on his or her ability to demonstrate a measurable return on investment (ROI) on all marketing efforts to the CEO and the rest of the C-suite. In some cases, the C-suite must first be educated on the value of marketing and the value of a CMO overseeing marketing efforts. Most CEOs, however, see the value of someone overseeing the "big picture" for the brand and understand that the role requires agile, creative thinking. Unfortunately, technology, social media, and changes in the way our culture consumes media makes the CMO's success a moving mark. Experts within the marketing community believe the evolving CMO role will become more of a "project manager" who understands fully integrated issues, bringing together concepts of data, design, public relations, marketing, and advertising. The previous path from VP sales to CMO will become extinct soon, as a broader set of skills, knowledge, and experience will be required. In other words, the modern CMO's role will be all-encompassing, as the CMO will be playing the roles of collaborator and coordinator across the organization. Other experts believe the CMO title may someday be replaced by the chief customer officer (CCO), as a deeper understanding of the customer will ultimately lead to smarter marketing.
2. Demonstrate an ability to support overall business and marketing objectives: Armed with an intimate understanding of your CMO's current (and future) roles and responsibilities, the next step is to tackle the organization's key marketing objectives for the year. While always looking for innovative "big ideas," CMOs need to see creative concepts tied to an overall strategy that supports the organization's objectives. The lengthening tenure of CMOs is allowing them to think more long-term than in the past. As such, CMOs may put less emphasis on one big idea and more emphasis on delivering on the brand promise over time. While non-marketing executives (CEOs, CFOs, and CIOs) typically prioritize driving revenue over acquiring new customers, the top three most common CMO priorities include developing new products or services, customer acquisition, and driving revenue. Additional CMO objectives may include profitable growth, increased operational efficiency, correlating advertising to sales, and measuring media buying effectiveness. Technology-centric objectives may focus on measurement, particularly of multi-channel attribution. The CMO's relationship with the C-suite, as well as technology companies and agencies, will ultimately define how successful the CMO will be in the digital world.
3. Embrace technology and measurement: The primary directive of every CMO is to move the needle and prove a positive ROI. A heavy reliance on measurement to justify marketing initiatives means a heavy reliance on technology. In fact, CMOs are predicted to outspend CIOs when it comes to investment in technology soon. According to recent research, only 12 percent of 200 CMOs surveyed said they had a real-time, well-integrated view of customer interactions across their enterprises, and 45 percent said they felt they had underinvested in information and intelligence systems. As a result, only 16 percent said they trusted the accuracy, depth, and reliability of their customer data. While there is clearly a need for improved data collection, measurement, and reporting, there is also a talent gap forming. According to another study, internal marketing talent is not evolving as fast as the technology. That means there are opportunities for consultants and agencies to fill the gap in the near-term. Improvements with data-driven marketing platforms will allow greater personalization, "mass customization," or "narrowcasting" of content delivery. As the promise of big data materializes, however, security will become an increasingly larger issue. CMOs will be responsible (and liable) for customer database breaches, which will require greater integration and collaboration with CTO/CIOs.
4. Anticipate and leverage trends: Even with significant delegation and support, there is simply not enough time in the day for CMOs to stay on top of changes in consumer behaviour, marketing strategy, and technology platforms. CMOs need thoughtful yet succinct briefs on the latest technology, tools, and trends. In your briefs, outline the issue or opportunity, why they should care, and how they might best take action (download a copy of one of our "Cheat Sheets" for an idea of how to lay out a CMO brief). Beyond the need to communicate effectively, however, is the need to understand how specific trends will impact CMOs down the road. One of the most intriguing trends you can look forward to seeing in marketing departments is an annual "marketing framework" replacing the traditional "marketing plan," which will be periodically reviewed throughout the year and revised based on market conditions and opportunities. One of the key factors influencing the need for a marketing framework is the evolution to a market-driven economy, where customers help create and define messaging. A related trend will be a more pronounced reliance on brand advocates and influencers fostering peer pressure and less reliance on traditional advertising and PR-driven persuasion strategies. As referenced earlier, the traditional career path to CMO is changing. Progressive organizations will look to "whole-brained," multi-dimensional CMOs who are as comfortable with data analytics as ground-breaking creative. In a similar vein, these modern CMOs will be channel and technology agnostic, breaking down internal and external silos to better understand and leverage knowledge of the buying process. Lastly, the teams supporting these CMOs will be dominated by "marketing immigrants." The new interdisciplinary team may consist of cognitive psychologists, nano-mathematicians, data scientists, sociologists, and software developers. Although not a new trend, the concept of a single agency of record (AOR) will be replaced by a host of specialist boutique agencies with an intimate understanding of the complex and dynamic digital marketing landscape.
5. Prepare and present your case: Fully armed with a clear understanding of the CMO's job description, measurable objectives, reliance on technology, and evolving trends impacting success, it is now time to act. Develop measurable strategies and supporting tactics that clearly align with organizational objectives. Before you present your ideas to the CMO, however, it is important to do a bit more homework and keep the following tips in mind:
I. Understand what makes a CMO tick
II. When preparing documents or presenting information, demonstrate your new-found knowledge of the CMO mindset.
III. Properly frame every discussion: What is it (at a high level)? Why should I care? How can it help me be successful as a CMO?
IV. Always back your ideas with research and data, and always back your objectives with metrics and goals.
V. Help the CMO become a star to the CEO (and board) by arming the CMO with pertinent information and measurable results. (Fifty-three percent of business executives indicate their current CMO could one day become CEO.)
VI. Regardless of your role or relationship with the CMO, speak the language (e.g., measurable results, ROI, improved performance, proactive, innovation, integrated, cross-channel, connectivity, long-term, big picture).

Besides if you do have any questions give me a call:

Answered almost 4 years ago