


Does odd pricing turn you off (e.g., $29 vs $30)?

Does odd pricing turn you off for online SaaS products (e.g., $29 vs $30)? Does your opinion change if the brand positioning is about honesty/transparency or 'being different'.

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Justin Jackson

Product Marketing + Growth

For me personally, no.

However, what you really need is a larger data set.

Gumroad just did a post on prices ending in "9":

37signals started with prices that ended in 9:

... but they later did research and found it didn't matter (for them).

The answer for YOU will likely be to test these things for yourself on your SaaS app.

Answered almost 11 years ago

Brian Dusablon

Coach – Consultant – Explorer

It doesn't necessarily turn me off as a consumer, though I see through the visual pricing trick in those cases. $1999 is still 2 grand to me.

For pricing my products and services, it depends. I like keeping it simple for me, first and foremost, so my packages are more like $150/hr, $1500, $5000 in order to simplify the running of my business for me.

There are a few instances in another business I have where we price a webinar at $99 because that's pretty standard and easy.

What it comes down to, though, is whether or not you have something of value to offer. If you do, customers will be happy to give you $29 or $30 or $499 or $500. Because you're providing value to them. If you're not, pricing can't help you.

Answered almost 11 years ago

Jordan Ayan

Serial entrepreneur-innovator-author-brainstormer

Good question. Somewhere in my limbic brain going back to my early days in traditional direct mail, I read about a pricing test over time, and prices ending in 8 won. While I can don't even have a clue where I read this, I have followed it most of my business life, and it has worked. I subsequently learned that the number 8 in Chinese numerology is considered "auspicious." Be that as it may, I think much more important than the pricing number, is what is the value perception of what you are trying to sell. In selling a can of corn, 99 cents may sell many more cans that $1.01 - but in other areas, value will drive sales pricing is important but whether the price ends in a 1,2,3,6,8,0,,,probably doesn't matter if the value is there.

Answered almost 11 years ago

Jon Manning

Pricing Strategist / Author / Mentor

The research has found that customers commonly associate prices ending in zeros as conveying a quality, premium message.
Prices ending in 9 are commonly associated with discounted, on sale, cheap.
Most customers know that $29 = $30.
When the time comes to increase a $29 price point, there is typically a drop in sales (albeit temporary, unless you've hit the customers price ceiling). You are less likely to experience that when increasing a $30 price point
Happy to chat further on this if you're interested

Answered over 9 years ago

Joy Broto

🌎Harvard Certified Global Corporate Trainer🌍

I believe it can be a strategic move if you look a bit closely. Odd pricing is believed to have a considerable impact on a customer’s mind. Odd pricing is also believed to put across the impression that goods are marked at the lowest possible price because it is a belief that even prices is an outcome of the retailer rounding up the price to a whole number. Odd prices for the same reason even give an impression of honesty of a retailer. They even sketch their advertising plans highlighting the aspects of an odd price and emphasising on the money saving aspect to catch a customer’s frenzy.
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Answered over 3 years ago