


What makes you say "yes" to someone who is trying to sell you something?

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Christopher Patrias

I give people what they need, when they need it.

I'm a buyer and not a shopper so I've already decided I'm going to purchase before I'm in front of a salesperson. Prior to choosing to buy I ask; Do I want this? Do I need this? Can I afford it? I've already done my research and know what price is fair.

What makes me say yes is based on convenience and whether or not I like the person selling me. What is the path of least resistance for me the buyer? Is the salesperson genuine and do they actually care about helping me?

As a salesperson, I always strive to take as much off my client's plate as possible and it's very easy to "sell" to someone who likes you.

Answered almost 6 years ago

Kerby Meyers

Strategic thinker and communicator, author

Bit of a softball here.
Nonetheless, what makes me say "yes"?
If the person talking to me:
* understands a pain in my life
* is offering a new/improved way to resolve that pain
* proves that he or she is listening to me
In short, I'm not being "sold."
If you wish to discuss, send me a PM through Clarity for 15 free minutes.

Answered almost 6 years ago

Alec J.

Wealth manager and Entrepreneur


This has a broad range of answers and some fit someone better than others. In my experience, I have noticed that I tend to buy from someone who I trust because there is a commonality. If they can express the reason for buying the product and you trust that there is a benefit for your life, then purchase it. If the salesperson is showing you WHAT the product does/is and tells you WHY they are different, you're going to naturally feel that you are being SOLD something and apprehensive to buy.

If they can provide why you need to buy this product/service and how they are different from their competitors, then that should be more effective than boasting about their service.

good luck

Answered almost 6 years ago

Joackim Joel

Clarity Expert

For me, it boils down to two things; my need and the attitude of the seller. Obviously I wouldn't something I don't need... that's just me...but when I do need something, the seller must strike me as one who is more interested in my need than making the sell. To me, the seller must abandon their 'seller' position and become my buying partner. Any 'seller' vibes in the air will conjur up in me suspicions even about the genuineness of the product itself. I want to feel like I bought the product as opposed to the feeling of having it sold to me. I want to be in charge of my spending rather than have the feeling of being conned into getting something I actually don't need or something I need but of low quality...or something I need and of the right quality but the wrong price. So having a seller who joins me on my side of the coin and partners with me in the buying process, focussing on my needs more than their need to make a sell,.. I would say yes to that anytime. You can call me and tell me what you think. I'd love to discuss this further with you.

Answered almost 6 years ago

Lea S.

Clarity Expert

- Knowledge (= adds to before- and after-buying experience! giving me insight on right aftercare of product, where it comes from, other interesting facts/stories about it)

- Know-How (= adds to value! showing me for example how to better wear that particular garment by rolling up the sleeves or quickly shortening the leg length in the store etc.)

- Genuine hosting (= adds to positive perception of brand! me not being part of a transaction, but me being welcomed as a guest aka they are just happy I am there independently of whether I will buy or not)

- Right product (to make the decision I need some time, do not want to be pressured by sales person, but being able to "be alone" with the product and think about it a bit)

Answered almost 6 years ago

Christy Norfleet


The brain has two sides, and people often describe themselves as left-brained (logical and analytical) or right-brained (intuitive, subjective). The truth about your grey matter isn’t so black and white. Even if you might lean one way or the other, both sides of the brain still matter in your thought processes, and certainly in your buying decisions. We’re not robots, so we will never make purchase decisions based solely on logical factors, such as economics (cost-benefit ROI analysis) or politics.

Think about when someone buys a Ferrari. They might have seen a photo of the fire-red sleek machine and fallen in love with it instantly. Of course, they will then justify the decision by looking up mechanical specifications – the car’s horsepower, cutting-edge engine, aerodynamic design, safety record, maintenance requirements, etc. That’s both sides of the brain working in concert for this purchase decision.

Answered almost 6 years ago

Jeff Ski

Entrepreneur & Retired Marketing Mad Man™

First, I must have a need. aka "Find a need and fill it."

Second, I must have a reason to act sooner rather than later. Reminder: the fear of failure is greater than the need to succeed. So tell me how I am failing today by not acting.

Third, I must have resources that I can direct or redirect to purchase your good(s) and/or service(s).

Finally, and this is key for most people, you have to show me a vision of how you "make it all happen" for and with me. Tell me a story. A compelling one where I become the hero.

Answered almost 6 years ago