

Landing Pages

What is the best way to create multiple landing pages without being flagged as spam?

There are some types of B2B products that I'm interested to buy. Once sellers happen to have such products for sale they often use the internet to search for companies that buy them. I want to create multiple landing pages for each of the product that I'm looking to buy, i.e. once a seller googles for a buyer for the specific product Google will show up my landing page. It's like this: (could be html too) I don't want to pay for Google Adwords at this stage. So what is the best way to make multiple landing pages? Is there some software to make mass landing pages? What is the best way to avoid getting the sites marked by Google as spam?

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Brandon Lipman

Startup & Venture Capital Enthusiast.

I think I get where you are going with this. Your company buys products/merchandise from people looking to sell that merchandise.

Example: Amy has a printer and she is looking to sell her printer. She does not know where to sell her printer so she Google's, "Where can I sell a printer" and you want your landing page to surface specifically for that product.

This is an excellent growth tactic and one that can be extremely effective. First, I would start by creating a general template for this set of pages including everything except that which would be specific to a specific category.

Then I would go down a level and think about how you could speak specifically to each category. Example: Instead of saying something general like, "XYZMarketplace has bought 100,000 products this year" I would be targeted on exactly what they originally searched for. So this could be along the lines of, "XYZMarketplace has bought over 1,000 printers this month" or "Sell Your Printer in 5 Minutes". This talks directly to what they are searching for.

Often times companies stop there and after a user clicks your CTA (call to action) the user is pushed into the standard onboarding flow. This often leads to a higher drop-off rates during onboarding. I would suggest that you customize your onboarding flow for that specific category. Example: The user that was searching for, "Where can I sell a printer" and landed on your printer landing page liked what you were offering and clicked the CTA of "Sell My Printer Today". Now you may have an onboarding workflow that says, "We are thrilled that you decided to sell your printer on XYZ. What type of printer do you have?" Then use icons and images, to take them through the decision tree. This does take more work than having just one generalized onboarding process, but it will greatly increase your conversions.

The tools I would use to do this is a combination between Unbounce and Optimizely. They both are going to be hugely beneficial. If you are looking for a free alternative, I would suggest Google's little-known option called Google Experiments. This will get you started, however, based on what you are looking for it may not be powerful enough to effectively manage the number of A/B tests and landing pages you would be doing.

In regards to spam, it is highly unlikely your pages will be marked as spam as long as your pages contents are considerably different. If you duplicate the product specific landing pages and only replace the instance of the product then you are running a significant risk. If you actually speak to the differences beyond the product name you will not have this problem.

I would love to chat with you further about this. Here is my VIP link for a free call.

Answered about 9 years ago

John Doherty

Founder of Credo, Growth and SEO consultant

Great question here. First things first, as an SEO/growth marketing person I need to point out that unless you are creating these pages on the scale of millions, you're not going to be flagged for spam. In fact, even if you did create them on that scale, you still wouldn't be flagged for spam; you just wouldn't get the organic traffic to them that you'd want because your domain probably isn't strong enough to support all of those pages.

Here is what I recommend:
1) Think about your site as an ecommerce site. This is how you will want to structure it. Think homepage > categories > subcategories > product pages. If you buy many different types of printers, then something like homepage > Printers > Inkjet Printers > (specific inkjet you buy) if you want to get that granular. You have to do the keyword research to figure out how deep you want to go, but this is the way to think about it for SEO.

2) Any halfway decent CMS will allow you to create pages at scale to target different keywords. Wordpress will let you do this, Joomla will let you do this, Squarespace will let you do this. If you need to create them at a huge scale, often that can be done via the database (uploading the content and specifying the URL/title/H1/H2 etc for each page)

3) It's ok to use a page template for your different page types (eg category/subcategory/product page). When I think about it, does anyone these days *not* use a template? Anyways, you should also ask yourself "How can I make these pages as unique and relevant as possible from the others onsite?" Many people start thinking "how unique do I need to make these pages so I can get away with ranking well and get sales", but that's lazy thinking. If you're really looking to add value, think about how you can make them as unique, relevant, and valuable as possible.

By the way, I disagree about using either Unbounce or Optimizely for this. Optimizely is an A/B testing platform and Unbounce is great for one-off landing (aka "squeeze" pages) and testing them, Neither is suitable for this project.

Good luck!

Answered almost 9 years ago

Jason Kanigan

Business Strategist & Conversion Expert

Content is King.

I think a conversation with a technical person--not me, but a web/SEO person--would really help you, because from what you've shared it seems you don't really know (yet) where things start and where they end in the virtual world.

There's no issue with you having multiple landing pages, and if you provide good, relevant content on them Google will serve them as results for relevant search terms.

With a simple Google search I found two mass landing page production and management products in moments:

I've been marketing online for 4 years and not used this approach, but in a way a blog is no different, is it. Customized content for relevant search terms that brings the user into your site on a specific page that isn't the home page. Interesting.

Answered about 9 years ago

Hernan Jaramillo

3 youtube channels with more than 500M views

This was a good strategy like 5 years ago and its not even considered spam by Google. Any CMS, from Magento, Shopify or Wordpress should do the trick. Remember that even if you have many pages GOOGLE will only crawls a certain % of them, so a healthy ratio of indexed pages/supplementary index is the trick here. The more trusted your site is, the higher the ratio. Also you need to figure a way to make any static content "Crawl-able" by adding reviews or comments of some sort. Amazon really does it well, that is why they rank so high.

Answered almost 9 years ago