

Training & Development

Should I take a business course or just focus on my business?

I'm launching a business this fall and there is a lot to do, but I'm thinking about taking a quick business class as well. While I'm great at learning by doing, I do appreciate formal classroom education. Is it worth it to take the course? As a new entrepreneur and first time business owner, how do you learn?

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Shaun Nestor

Content Marketing Advisor & Agency Consultant

There are a lot of great resources about running a business on trusted sites like, the Small Business Administration, and countless (countless) other advisors and experts publishing their advice for free.

Additionally, is PACKED with fantastic content available for $19 per course if you sign up on one of their deals.

Another source of information is to approach a business mentor, someone who has "been there, done that" and made all the mistakes along the way. I have a blog post that covers how to approach a mentor (LINK: ).

Running a business is often made more complicated than it actually is.

Find a need.
Talk to prospective customers.
Fill the need.
Rise & repeat.

I'm happy to help more, just reserve some time here on Clarity and we can get your well on your way to launching your first successful business. =)


Answered about 9 years ago

Humberto Valle

Get Advice On Growing Your Real Estate Business

This is a great question! So many newbie entrepreneurs jump into a business simply because they are good at building a product but don’t realize that business in itself is a science or art that needs to be understood.

That’s your key – understand what business is all about and in my opinion you already have a good start by asking.
My answer to you is that it depends.
You didn’t mention what type of business you are, but that hardly matters because in business you have to be a sales person – are you a natural social person? Are you capable of listening to feedback without preemptively making your own assumptions or judgments? If you are this could help you create a better product that will have early adopters, it could help you build a team easier than those who aren’t social.

if you are able to build a team and is feasible to get one – you should focus on getting people who compliment your own skillsets. Don't try to thin yourself out by trying to learn every aspect of a business operation when you can easily find someone else really good at that who can join your team.

Is like what I tell businesses – if is not in your core business, outsource it.
For an entrepreneur this remains true, if it doesn’t directly help you reach your goal, outsource it don’t spent time learning it when you can hire someone to do something while you do what you do best.

Consider also, what it is that you want to learn? How form the company? How to calculate cycle times from raw materials to final product packaging? Balancing a ledger? How to run a regression model? Or a financial analysis? All this you can hire someone when, if, you get to that point.
If you have a product or service in mind, simply promote it – make a few sales and that need to fulfill your commitments will lead you with what you need to get them done and deliver.

Leverage google, clarity and YouTube if you are too shy to simply send a local business owner in your field for some feedback or mentoring…

Also consider that the money and time you would spend in a class are valuable resources that should be going to building your business.

I hope that gives you a good idea of what approach to take, if you have any further questions just send me a message and if you are looking for a website done, a marketer or business coach, well also send me a message :)

Humberto Valle

Answered about 9 years ago

Kurt Attard

Youtube Expert

in 2015 its not really worth paying for a business course - courses work on trying to teach you what you need to know

what you need to know is; "everything about business" - the person who created the course learned it all on their own - not from a course

Also the amount of information online via youtube and online sources means you have access to all the most successful entrepreneurs and business people in the world, and your thinking of paying a random to tell you what they know, chances are they just downloaded and resold a business course themselves.

My advice would be to either start your business (or if your idea is your passion and you dont want to risk your first attempt) maybe test out a smaller business idea - give it your all - and use what you learn on your big idea when you feel ready

Learn as you go - try things out - fail and learn why you failed.

My first business was a online eBay store - importing electronics from china - its very different to what i do today but it taught me so much about products, merchandising, eCommerce, customer relations, paypal, site building and advertising. I have used every single one of those skills in all my future business's - experience is gold and cant be put into a course - as business throws things at you every day and your past experiences will have you well equipped to deal with nearly all of them.

remember the famous quote Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." - George Santayana

Answered about 9 years ago

Austin Church

Build a profitable business you love.

Hmm. I think you learn by doing. And from the get-go, you'll want to differentiate between working in the business and working on the business. Working in the business is hammering the nails. Working on the business is courting clients, developing your marketing strategy, and yes, beefing up your knowledge in different areas. That being said, I wouldn't recommend a "formal classroom education." I've never taken a business class, and after three months of trying to run my own business, I knew more than my friends who had graduated with degrees in business administration. Why is that? Well, you can take notes, read a textbook, memorize material, and get an A on a test. But much of what you learned won't be applicable to your business. It's like reading a book about how to swim or how to cast a fly rod. You get a perfect paper score, and then you go drown. And you can't catch dinner. Learn by doing. Your "score" will be repeat customers, making more money, referrals, and hopefully, the freedom you create for yourself by building a self-sustaining business. Show me a textbook about business that can show you how to use Periscope to position yourself as a thought leader. Show me the business textbook that will help you decide whether to use a WordPress plug-in, or Space-Box, or Gumroad, for your shopping cart, payment processing, and fulfillment. You get the point. Read fifty blog posts on any subject you're interested in, and you'll probably know more than your professor/instructor.

The vast majority of experts in business are busy building businesses (and maybe blogging about it) and not giving tests on the subject. I've taught at the university level, so that's I feel comfortable making that statement.

Do you want head knowledge or practical experience? You already know how to get both.

If you want to discuss further, call me! It would be fun to chat.

Austin L. Church

Answered about 9 years ago

Robin Weeks

Clarity Expert

I've worked with many start up entrepreneurs and laying a good business foundation is so important. Looking at what you don't know and addressing that now will only help you to succeed.

Great question. I highly recommend using your local resources such as Small Business Development Center (a part of the SBA). Many of their classes are free or minimal cost and they offer free and confidential counseling. They can also connect you with retired executives that have been through starting, running and selling a business or two. They are good advisors. I also suggest you reach out to anyone you may know that is currently running a successful business for their help. There may be industry councils or groups in your area that are also a good source of information as well as economic development organizations through your county. There is a lot of free support available. I also recommend you look at your LInkedIn connections for who may be of help. Other types of classes are offered through Coursera, Open Sesame online. If I can be of further help please let me know.

Answered about 9 years ago

Sarah Fluckiger

Course Creation Coach

This depends on exactly what your goals and timeline are in your business. You should ask yourself if the business class you are looking at will directly benefit what you are doing in your business short term. Since you are trying to launch a business, you'll likely have to put in a great deal of your time and energy to lift off, so taking a business class could create unnecessary stress, unless the class is directly related to helping you launch. I think your attention to personal/business development is so great! But during this crucial time, be very careful how you allocate your time and only give the most important activities priority. I've seen people spend years and years on "learning" only to never actually launch anything. Best of luck!

Answered about 8 years ago

Alexendra Witson

Essay Writer

There are a lot of options when it comes to business-related classes. You can take Accounting, Marketing, Management and even some business-related courses in the humanities. If you're interested in learning more about your local area, there are also many college courses available that focus on the community around you. Best benefit of these courses is that they better educate you about and other such tools. The best way to find out what kind of classes will be right for you is to talk with other business owners who are doing well. They can give you valuable advice about which classes will help you build your business and which ones might not be necessary for success.

Answered about 2 years ago

Almarie A.

Clarity Expert

Congrats on you launching your own business line and kudos to you wanting to improve on your skillset.
Firstly it is always at your advantage if you do something that you already know or have the passion for. By doing that you would already eliminate going into the business not have any of the know how except what you were taught. You would have already being practicing that business in an informal way but choosing to establish it would make you feel a lot more confident in yourself that you know the product you are offering . You are already sold on it.
Secondly:- It always help to invest in further training so that you can be competent in what you are offering. With global technology and cutting edge business modules and tools you really wants to be a cut above the rest and to offer the best you know how but in practical and theory. Ongoing training and development is a tool that you are going to be using not just for yourself, but as the business develops you would also need to in-cooperate that as tools for your employees as well
That being said you may choose to do courses either before or start the business and continue with courses that will matriculate you into the best you that will fit you for what you are offering..
There are many online courses of even face to face that you can apply to but ensure that the curriculum matches what you are looking for. Know your objectives and expectation and manage it throughout the course to ensure it is aligning to your business module.
When all is said and done, you can only be a better version of you by getting the knowledge you need. And even if you don't use it now, be assured that it will come in handy further on .
Best of wishes on both your decisions and do let me know the outcome

Answered about 2 years ago