


I routinely follow my intuition and 9/10 I'm correct. Is there a way to sell my points without overly looking like I'm winging it?

I routinely follow my intuition, and 9/10 I'm correct. My colleagues and clients trust me because of my batting average but I'm having trouble explaining my reasoning or deeply articulating by viewpoint. 1.) Is this common? 2.) Other than googling, is there a way to sell my points without overly looking like I'm winging it? Sometimes I feel strongly about something and I look for data to back that up, almost working backwards 3.) Is that alright?

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Kristian Dupont

Developer of software and businesses

I guess this depends a lot on what sort of questions you are talking about. If it's life and love and "soft" things like that, intuition is probably better than any decision based on "data", what ever that would be. On the other hand, if you just have an intuition that you should set the price at $1,000 rather than $99, it might be worth at least exploring your own thinking.
There is nothing wrong with having strong intuition and then looking for data to back it up with. It's a sound psychological foundation -- read Antonio Damasio's book Descartes' Error for a fascinating exploration of this idea. However, intuition can be wrong. "Following your gut" is sometimes praised as if gut feelings are some super natural source of knowledge. They are not. They should be guidelines, but you should still question them and be open to new realizations. Besides from conversations with people of different views, 5 whys ( might be a useful tool for this.

Answered almost 10 years ago

Geoffrey Wiseman

Software Consultant at Codiform

Absolutely, it's alright. Developed intuition through experience is often better than a detailed decision matrix in terms of results. When experts rely on their intuition, it's usually called "experience" or "expertise".

It might be worth reading 'sources of power' (a book about decision-making and experts) to cull some useful stats that you can use to back up your approach to making decisions:

Of course, the key element to all of this is to be able to establish a track record that you can demonstrate. Telling someone to "trust you" works well if you've got a demonstrable track record of past successful projects. If you can't show that to a new customer, it'd be harder to sell.

Answered almost 10 years ago

Humberto Valle

Get Advice On Growing Your Real Estate Business

1) I think is more common than assumed, the economics of success are highly dependent on whoe you aske (risk takers vs non risk takers) particularly among entrepreneurs or leaders of other form. The real difference is the answer to: 9/10 success rate in what? Find a niche in that area and write an e-book.

You could simply price it for $0.99 and market it a lot as a consulting self guide to ______.

If is product based create a simple single informational web page and shave adsense run on it. For example I once created a page on the best cameras for outdoors men (one time effort, not a blog just page with facts and list of products) . I made money from Google and for some of the cameras I had affiliate links for commission... People trust my comments and decide to buy base on that.

Also you could become a consultant, this is easier said than done though but the costs are relatively low and markup is huge if you have an actual track record that others can see and measure.

I'd be more than happy to help you brainstorm things out, offer some creative solutions and references if you'd like. Best of luck!

Answered almost 10 years ago

Lisa Taylor

Workforce transformation authority

Different people base their level of comfort and decision making on different factors. For some, trust in the relationship will be enough - so long as the risks are within a reasonable range. Others will always seek additional data, not because they don't value your relationship, but because they view data as a more secure way to base decisions.

It sounds like your default approach is to base your interactions on the relationship and intuition - and make adjustments as you learn more information. If you are selling to people who prefer a data-focused argument, simply Googling won't cut it. But, you can create standard templates with basic data points and tools that you can use to guide how you prepare for each sales meeting. The standard templates will ensure that you are gathering the right data, at the right level, targeted to the client's specific issue with the goal of closing the sale, rather than a collection of data points.

If you set your tools and templates up right, you can actually use the data gathering process to build on your intuition (and to identify opportunities you may not see via intuition alone). I wish you the best of luck - and hope you'll let us know how your next sales call goes!

Answered almost 10 years ago

Michael Eydman

Digital Transformation & Innovation Consultant

I do this all the time! I have been looking into intuition for a while now. There are two camps of thought on the subject: one says that we are all interconnected and our mind is capable to tapping into universal knowledge which has no concept of time; the other insists that we regularly underestimate our mental capacity of our subconscious which picks up little clues and interprets the situation based on retained experiences producing a recommendation before our conscious is able to process it rationally. I think it's a combination of both. Different audiences react in a different way to the idea of universal knowledge and new age thinking. My advice would be to use your skills all the time, but be wise about disclosing your understanding of it.

Answered almost 10 years ago

Chris Sacchinelli

Managing Partner | Swaave Holdings, LLC

We call this being in the "genius zone" at my firm. The idea that you are so in tune with what you're currently doing, the natural intuition of your involvement steers you in the right direction.

This is a phenomenal trait for an early stage founder to have, however, it can be also extremely problematic as you continue to grow and scale your business.

Typically, operating in this zone leaves you cognitively unaware of 'why & how' you made your correct decisions -- which, when without providing a clear known structure, makes it very difficult for you to get other stakeholders onboard.

Try stepping back and analyzing what factors lead you to intuitively decide the way in which you did - dissect it and understand the core underlining "value props" that drove you.

Simply mapping out how you came to a solution is often times enough accredited validation for others to trust and follow your lead. It also provides a blueprint for others to follow when they are empowered to make similar decisions on behalf of your business.

Simply put, analyze your thought process and then walk people through it :)

Answered almost 10 years ago

Nicole Francesca

UX Designer focusing on frictionless experiences

I often faced this at work as a UX Designer. We often have to come up with new software, new processes, new tools, new architecture and justify our reasoning behind it. Two things that have helped me are 1. timing and 2. a daily commitment to researching/learning

1. I have learned from past mistakes that timing is everything in a conversation. Take your time, listen to everyone's points, list everything you want to say about your argument in your head, count to three and present it. Tell them why you think that way, why it would be good for the business and how you could accomplish it.

2. I think this applies to any field, any conversation but committing yourself to learning and researching things outside your normal world has been the way I have advanced my career. I am able to recall strategies that other companies are using just by reading the tech section of google news. I am able to present logical arguments of the best way to present something to a customer based on psychology studies I have looked up. I have been able to estimate effort and time for projects based on looking up articles on technical implementation. Be sure to remember the sources of where you got your information, who/what company is using it and why you think it would be beneficial.

Keep on going and always learning!

Answered about 5 years ago

Potential Brilliance

I help people improve their approach to life.

Someone who follows their intuition and then looks for the data to back it up, seems to be doing exactly what they should be. All you have to consider during, is that up until you have the actual data, you could be wrong. But this is simply a part of a very natural process, called being human. I'd be worried if you routinely followed your intuition without looking for data to back it up. Intuition basically, is based on everything bit of information that we have absorbed since birth, we get used to things and learn the ways of life. Our intuitive mind is like a supercomputer in the background, we can't really see what its doing, but it works out relevant things and possible risks en creates a feeling to guide us through life's obstacles. Sometimes not being able to articulate well, is because we think too much and trust too little. You also don't need to explain your reasoning, as long as it leads to good things, why should it matter what anyone else thinks?

Answered over 3 years ago

burak aksu

istediğiniz her türlü soruyu cevaplayabilirim

If you have a good track record of following your intuition and being correct, it can be challenging to sell your points without appearing to be winging it. Here are some tips that can help you sell your points more effectively:

Provide evidence: Try to gather evidence that supports your intuition. This could be data, case studies, or other research that backs up your claims.

Explain your thought process: When presenting your points, explain how you arrived at your conclusions. Walk through your reasoning, and be as transparent as possible.

Focus on results: Instead of emphasizing how you arrived at your conclusions, focus on the results that your intuition has helped you achieve. Highlight specific examples where your intuition has led to successful outcomes.

Be confident: Confidence is key when selling your points. If you are confident in your intuition and your ability to make good decisions, others will be more likely to believe in you.

Use analogies: Analogies can be a helpful way to illustrate complex concepts in a way that is easy to understand. Consider using analogies to help others understand the logic behind your intuition.

Keep learning: While intuition can be a valuable tool, it is important to continue learning and growing. Stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in your industry, and be open to feedback from others.

Overall, it's important to strike a balance between trusting your intuition and providing evidence to support your claims. By doing so, you can sell your points more effectively and demonstrate the value of your intuition.

Answered over 1 year ago

David Anttony

Serial Entrepreneur, IT focused

Using your 'intuition' is often as you probably know called 'following your gut' - a pretty awful term - BUT there is some truth in that nonetheless.

The truth lies in the fact that our FEELINGS (not emotions) are an enhanced form of communication. And we mainly 'feel' our feelings in our stomach area - hence 'listen to your gut feelings'.

The trick in business is to use your feelings to get FAST answers about if you should do something or NOT do something - and then follow up with logic and facts - learning to MERGE these two will make you a powerful creator and decision maker.

The first step is to use these tips :

If something FEELS good - it's usually a YES -- and if it feels BAD it's usually a NO -- and if no feeling at all - then it does not matter OR the time is not right.

When you take the next ACTION steps they should ALWAYS be from something that feels GOOD. If you take action steps when you feel bad or indifferent the results will usually be the same - bad or indifferent.

After you get a CLEAR feeling - then take the next steps to act -- and always integrate your mental and feeling skills -- that way you stay GROUNDED in all your actions.

Good luck and keep having fun.

Answered 12 months ago