

Online Marketing

Need a good lead generation strategy for chiropractors for getting new patients. Ideas?

We have a lot of chiropractors who dont know anything about social media, websites, google and getting new patients via online marketing. Looking for a good way to get them new leads without using coupons. Thinking Facebook ads to a sponsored post to a landing page of success stories, but thinking there is a better way that we can replicate.

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Michael Hartmann

Marketer, Serial Entrepreneur, Advisor & Coach

I think Facebook is great for really targeting your audience and you’re on the right track. But I think you can have a better funnel than that. I find, for getting better conversion today, it is better to get your Facebook traffic off of Facebook as fast as you can to your offer and into your funnel. It is more effective for driving actual sales. If you’re just looking for social branding etc. then your funnel might be ok.

A very effect strategy is to create either a video or report that you give away to your audience in exchange for an email. It should be something that helps solve or bring to light the problems patients are suffering from and how to go about solving them. Then mention how having a great Chiropractor can solve all of that and can be the most effective way to get ride of the pain. I would also have some things in there that would help them in other ways.

Then I would send them to an event or webinar with your top Chiropractor and you in an interview / reveal-all type webinar to educate your lead and manage their fears of going to a Chiropractor. You could tell them that the first step is making an appointment for an assessment. You should make it easy for them to find the best and most effective Chiropractor in their area. You might have a discount on the assessment only available to them for being on the webinar to get them to sign up at the end of the webinar. By the way, once this is recorded, you can make this evergreen so you don't have to do a webinar all the time. As long as you are reaching more and new people with your Facebook campaign you won’t have to change the video all the time.

Once you have people signed up to make an appointment, make sure they are also putting a deposit of a 100 dollars or something down. This will increase your show rate for the Chiropractors. Then give them a voucher for that Chiropractor, for more than you’re asking for at the deposit for services, to use with that Chiropractor. Allowing you to prevent cancelations etc. so that their getting their money back in the form of a voucher for services which, by the way, is not a discount and shouldn’t diminishing your Chiropractors Rates.

This strategy I have used in several markets that has produced more prequalified leads and patients / customers. Remember to test, track and know your metrics. You’re going to need to make some tweaks in the beginning, but this can be very effective for you.

So to recap:
1. Setup a landing page with your offer in exchange for an offer. You can build this in software like or
2. Make your offer downloadable if an ebook or white paper or present your video after. I recommend using Wistia instead of YouTube for playback as you will be able to have heat maps of your video to know where your fall off points are. You can also make this page with the software mentioned above.
3. Use an email autoresponder to engage your lead and email them about the event you’re doing after they had time to read or download your materials. Or, if a video, I would just pitch them at the end with a link below the video to automatically register.
4. Put on a webinar with your guest using either GoToWebinar or Google hangouts if you know how to set that up.
5. Make sure you have your appointment getting page with your the down payment created. You can use several different type of scheduling services so you can automatically deliver the lead/ appointment to the chiropractor.

To Note: The reason I don’t send the visitor to the webinar first is because it is better to get the visitor predisposed to your information before asking them to commit to a webinar and when you do it the way I played out, you will have a much better show rate.

This is it in a nutshell. Obviously there is more to it. If you need another funnel idea I am hear to help.

I have used other effective strategies in the past to also make money on the front end to make your advertising free. It just depends on what you want to do and how advanced you want to get.

Hope this helps give you some ideas. :)
If you need help implementing something like this just let me know.

Answered almost 10 years ago

BT Irwin

Helping small nonprofits do big things.

You want leads who volunteer to be leads. They expect you to pursue them (and actually want it).

1. Define your audience in detail. How do most clients come to the practice in the first place? Who would be most likely to check it out? For example: Where is the office and who is passing by on a regular basis? Are they mothers? Office workers? Senior citizens? Shift workers?

2. Do some market research (and let this be a lead generation exercise in the process). How can you find out more about your target market? This is where answering #1 in detail helps. For example: Is your office near an athletic club or an area where a lot of active people live? Team up with the club or local meet-up groups to find out more about back concerns or problems their members can identify. Find out more about how they make decisions to choose professional help.

3. Go to the people and take your service with you. Once you know your audience, what they need, where they gather, and why they buy (#1 and #2), find a way to give them something valuable. For example: Is your office near a lot of office buildings? Did you know that recent research shows that American workers are suffering from back pain due to poor office seating? Get to know the building or office managers and offer to do a free "office seat assessment" and adjustment for employees or tenants. Do on-the-spot analyses WHERE PEOPLE WORK. Then take down their email address and promise to send an offer for X percent off a new office chair at a local office supply store and a discount first appointment. Promise that the first email will give them options to sign up for a regular email or opt out. Most important, they can schedule their free (or discounted) first appointment online (CONVENIENCE).

4. Make good on all your promises. Make sure the visit is so stellar that new patients will rave about it to their friends (be sure to send a follow-up survey). Word of mouth is the best advertising and sharing on social media should be natural and not forced. Make sure your social media are always available on every communication. Those who are thrilled will use it.

5. Finally, ask your delighted new patients to refer friends in exchange for discount/free service. This is not a loss of revenue; it's your marketing budget at work.

The leads you generate from this approach will be high-quality, motivated, qualified, and will take you much further than the "shotgun" approach.

I'd be happy to schedule a call to answer your follow-up questions. Happy prospecting!

Answered almost 10 years ago

Matt Queen

IT Nerd with a passion for bootstrapping startups.

I work with a lot of chiropractors and find the same that most do not really know how to use social media or online ads. However, I have seen pretty decent success with Google Ads for chiros. FB ads can work pretty well but require a lot more maintenance to keep them effective. I am actually currently working with chiropractors to develop a tool that gets leads through video testimonials shared on FB (called ChiroPraise). Would be happy to explain how it works and do some testing with you to see if we can get the results you are looking for. I have been doing a lot of research in this area and am happy to help!

Answered almost 10 years ago

Hernan Jaramillo

3 youtube channels with more than 500M views

I grew an educational marketplace from posting videos on youtube, short 5-7 min explanations of algebra and calculus classes. It occurs to me that you could probably create a series of 5 to 7 minute videos dictated by 2 or 3 chiropractors teaching good posture in work, how to excersice while at work, how to strectch your back in 3 steps and so on. There is high volume search and the videos could easily be linked to a landing page for every geo location where learners could get a free 30 minute consultation.

Happy to talk more strategy :)

Answered almost 10 years ago

Joe Putnam

DTC eCommerce Growth Marketing

A couple of thoughts: 1) Facebook is a great advertising medium for something like this. 2) Take some time to clearly define who you're trying to reach and who you're ideal customers are. 3) Figure out what pain point chiropractors. The good news is that this should be pretty easy since they actually help people alleviate pain. Make sure your copy really focuses on this. 4) Offer a free lead gen or magnet that people have to opt in to download or read. This needs to be something that focuses on teaching them more about chiropractors and sells the service through educating them more about the process. 5) Create a follow-up email series to keep in touch with people who opt in. 6) Invite email subscribers to a free, in-house seminar that happens once per month. Be sure to get phone numbers here and to follow up more aggressively with these. 7) Set up Facebook retargeting so you can keep advertising to people who've shown interest by visiting the site.

Answered almost 10 years ago

Dragana Djuricic

technology commercialization; business growth path

The answers to this question are all very valuable and provide a number of actionable suggestions. However, I have to disagree that these lead generation activities are FREE. They are not because they are very TIME consuming and a person has to be hired to execute all suggestions above.
The first step for a chiropractor, an expert in the field, is to clearly define what is the VALUE clients/patients would get from a visit. Segment people into different groups based on their needs and speak to their problem and how you can solve it. Personally, I went to a chiropractor after a recommendation from my Ob/Gyn when I was 7 months pregnant and in serious back pain. Weekly visit for spine adjustment took away the pain and I could not only walk, but even run in my last trimester. Now, that's priceless!

Once a chiropractor has clearly articulated benefits of the treatment, he or she can hire a marketing professional to execute on the strategies people mentioned on this thread.

Answered almost 10 years ago

Michael Von

Business & Marketing Success Consultant & Coach


I have a lot of experience with this. There are a few concerns with using FB as a tool for lead generaton marketing for chiropractors.

First of all, most chiropractors service a very distinct local area. If you are not careful you will spend an enormous amount of money without very good results. Secondly, one of your biggest competitors is orthopedic practices/pain management vying for worker's compensation patients. These are hard to capture on Facebook.

The solution is to use more than one media, direct marketing letters, follow up emails to existing clients to encourage them to tell their neighbors (paying for referrals where legal), and YouTube videos, and experimenting with Facebook while not relying on it too heavily. The main two concepts are to provide an information packed newsletter and to make the chiropractors into celebrities.

I am currently actively working on a similar project. We perform actually marketing for medical practices throughout the United States. And interesting enough, I partnered with a company that markets pharmacies near the physician practices.

We are using a combination of WebMD along with

Essentially, we break the information down according to the household income and other demographic information for our target population. We then contact the medical practices and pharmacies within the area where we know we can sell the products and services.

For more information on business and marketing, click More on under my profile.

I hope this helps.
Best of luck,
Michael Von Irvin, MBA, RN
upvotes and shares are always welcome.

Answered over 8 years ago

Jaime Nacach

Bloominari's Founder & Online Marketing Strategist

Hi - I just came across this and noticed you wrote this years ago, so I really hope your business is going well!! If you need inexpensive yet expert marketing, design or small business consulting services, please consider my agency, Bloominari. We’ve been helping small business owners like yourself for years and we’d love to help you out. I also provide free project estimates! Just wanted to send you this info in case your sales aren’t exactly as high as you were hoping. Let me know if I can help you in any way and best of luck to you!

Answered about 8 years ago

Aaron Evans

Traveling around the world & helping test software

Chase Ambulances :)

Seriously though, I have a friend who is a chiropractor and he has an annual customer appreciation BBQ. He invites all his current and former patients and their families. He gets a lot of referrals (and renewed visits) that way via word of mouth. Also, the crowd having fun in the parking lot is sure to attract attention from passers by.

He engages directly with his patients on social media too -- and not with some automated tool or disinterested intern or social media expert. How are you doing Bob. Thanks for coming to the BBQ. A personal anecdote, etc.

A personal blog that talks about the practice, engages employees, has informative articles about wellness and links to relevant news is also a nice touch, and gives you something to share via Facebook, Twitter, etc.

I've helped several people with social media, Google AdWords, Facebook & Linked In ads, etc. It really helps to have a coordinated effort between content, personal engagement, social media, and ad campaigns together.

One other aspect that is like that virtual BBQ -- is a regular newsletter that patients and other interested parties can subscribe too. Build an email list and give people something to read & stay in touch every month -- and print a few copies to set out on the front desk.

If people click on an ad, it doesn't have to translate directly into an appointment, maybe a slow nurture campaign with a few tips for dealing with back pain and general health (getting a good night's sleep, etc.) is a good way to get people to slowly engage until they've gotten comfortable with you and then come into the practice or give you a call.

Answered over 6 years ago

Alfred Erickson

Entrepreneur, Digital Marketer, Mentor, and Coach

All that shit you listed should be just noise to you except one of them.

THE BEST WAY to get new patients beside Referrals is
Google Search Ads and PPC.

Whoever tells you other wise has no clue:

First 3 links are chiropractors clients.

You need to understand the prospect and search intent.
No one ever goes to Facebook to find a doctor or professional service

Hope that helps!

Feel free to reach out anytime if yo have any questions!

Answered over 4 years ago

Joy Broto

🌎Harvard Certified Global Corporate Trainer🌍

A lead generation strategy includes tactics that attract interested prospects and convert them into leads. A lead is a person who has shown interest in your brand by taking some action. They have shared their contact details or otherwise implied that they may want to do business with you.
Both B2C and B2B lead generation strategies include four components.
A. Lead Capture: a way to collect information from a lead. Information may include the lead’s name and contact information as well as relevant qualifying details about them or their organization (e.g., business name, position, number of employees).
B. Lead Magnets: an incentive that drives prospects to become a lead.
C. Lead Qualification: a process that uses the lead’s information to determine how likely they are to buy.
D. Lead Segmentation: the process of segmenting leads based on their information, habits, and activities.
We will look at the strategies and the companies who used them so that you have a clear idea on what it is and how to apply it.
1. Create gated content: Gated content is online material only accessible to users once they fill out a form. Unlike normal blog posts or landing pages, the content is “locked.” Audiences must complete a lead capture form to access the content. This is an effective lead generation strategy, as it gives the audience something of value for free while attracting high-quality leads that are interested in topics related to your brand or offerings. Gated content assets often include:
A. White papers
B. E-books
C. Guides
D. Reports
E. Courses
F. Worksheets
G. Online tools
Example: HubSpot, a content marketing software suite, has a dedicated resource section on their website. It includes dozens of gated content assets that users can access once they fill out a lead capture form.
2. Create a value-packed newsletter: Another way to use content as a lead magnet is by creating a must-read newsletter. Create a value-packed monthly or weekly newsletter to encourage interested prospects to connect and stay in touch with your brand. This allows you to stay top of mind with customers as well as share promotions for your products and services that can drive prospects further down the purchase funnel. Content for your newsletter might include:
A. New blog posts
B. Updates about your products or services
C. Special offers
D. Upcoming events
E. Recommended reading from other thought leaders
Example: Business coach, Marie Forleo, generates leads through her “MF Insider” email list. Prospects are quick to join because of the newsletter’s perceived exclusivity and value.
3. Host an event: Lead generation strategies can happen online and off. Host an in-person or online event to attract and serve your target market while capturing their contact information via event registration. Also, use live events as opportunities to connect with customers in real time so that you can answer questions, respond to objections, learn about your audience, and actively guide prospects through the sales funnel.
A. Webinar
B. Workshop
C. Seminar
D. Meetup
E. Conference
Example: Content Marketing Institute regularly hosts both live and pre-recorded content marketing webinars to generate leads from their ideal prospects.
4. Offer a coupon or discount: Convert prospects who are interested in your products and services by offering a coupon or discount as your lead magnet. This attracts valuable long-term and short-term leads. In the long term, you have attracted someone interested in buying from your brand. In the short term, you can quickly convert the lead into a buyer because coupons serve bottom-of-funnel prospects who are ready to buy.
Example: Retailer, Bed Bath & Beyond encourages website visitors to fill out their lead capture form by offering 20% off to first-time subscribers.
5. Provide a freemium product or free trial: Capture leads from interested and qualified prospects by offering a free trial or freemium product. Free trials and freemium products attract qualified, interested prospects who are not ready to buy. They also allow your brand to convert free users into paying customers by teasing paid features and delivering drip email campaigns that promote the benefits of upgraded accounts.
Example: Trello, project management software, offers a free version of their tool (with stripped-down features) to generate leads and drive free users toward paid plans.
6. Use a live chat on your website: Live chat prompts audiences to ask questions about products or services while visiting your website. It can be used as one of your lead generation strategies by requiring users to provide their contact details to submit a question or by promoting some other lead magnet like a demo. When customers have questions, they want answers fast. Live chat allows you to provide the instant information prospects want while collecting valuable data for your lead nurturing campaigns.
Example: Marketing automation software Marketo uses a live chat feature on their site to start the sales process, funnel interested prospects, and eventually capture lead information.
7. Optimize your website to promote your lead magnet: To generate more leads, make sure website visitors can easily find your lead magnet. Design on-site funnels that segment your audience and drive them toward the lead magnet most likely to resonate with their needs and interests. Accomplish this by promoting leads magnets around your site.
A. Highlight it as the primary homepage call to action.
B. Promote relevant lead magnets at the end of blog posts and pages.
C. Use a lead gen. pop-up.
D. Create a resource library filled with gated content.
E. Add a lead gen. hello bar (that sits at the top or bottom of your site).
F. Promote your lead magnet in the sidebar.
Example: Podio, a project management tool, doesn’t waste time trying to guide website visitors to their lead magnet. They immediately drive users into their free trial using the primary hero section of their homepage.
8. Optimize your social profiles to promote your lead magnet: When you have a valuable lead magnet, make sure your social followers know about it. Highlight it on your social profiles so that when users engage with you, they see your offer and the clear next step toward working with you. Promote your lead magnet in hero images on profile pages. Also, leverage call-to-action buttons by adding links to your lead magnet instead of driving users to your homepage.
Example: Leadership coach and author Michael Hyatt uses his Facebook page for lead generation marketing. His cover image promotes his lead magnet and drives page visitors directly toward his free offer.
9. Pay to promote lead magnets on social media: Use paid social ads as one of your lead generation strategies. Leverage Facebook’s and Instagram’s targeting options to show ads to the people most likely to be interested in your products or services. Targeting options on paid social ads are extremely powerful. You can target people on macro levels (using demographic segmentation) or micro levels (using behaviour and psychographic segmentation), allowing you to connect with an extremely specific audience.
Example: Conversocial, a social media customer care tool, uses paid Instagram ads to drive target prospects to their gated, in-depth social media guides and reports.
10. Target top-of-funnel keywords: To attract interested prospects and drive them toward your lead magnets, create a plan to target the terms they search for. Do keyword research to discover keywords your ideal prospects look for at the top of the purchase funnel. Then, target those keywords in multiple ways.
A. Create evergreen content that is optimized for the target terms.
B. Develop an on-site blog strategy around the target keywords.
C. Target the terms in pay-per-click marketing.
D. Guest blog on sites that have a high share of voice for the target terms.
Be sure to follow best practices for SEO to boost your chances of showing up on page one. The more visible you are in search, the more interest and traffic you will generate from potential leads.
Example: Smart Asset, a personal finance tech company, targeted a top-of-funnel term they knew their target audience was searching for. They created useful, valuable content around the topic, which helped them rank for the term.
11. Retarget people who have engaged with your brand: If prospects do not convert during their first interaction with your brand, your opportunity is not lost. Use retargeting to reconnect with audiences who have engaged with your brand but failed to take the next step. Retargeting allows you to show ads (through Google display or social ads) to people who engaged with your brand’s website or social pages. Because customers may need to see your brand a few times before they convert, retargeting is a strategic way to continue guiding customers down the purchase funnel.
Example: You have seen retargeting in action if you have ever visited a website and then saw an ad for the same brand a few hours later. Here is an example from Shopify on Facebook. Retargeted ads look just like normal ads, but they only target audiences who have already engaged the brand in some way.
12. Create a referral rewards system: One of the best lead generation methods and strategies puts your customers to work for you. Create a referral rewards system where your customers bring leads to you in exchange for a benefit or discount. Customers value and trust recommendations from their friends, so encouraging existing customers to spread the word about your brand can be a powerful way to fill your lead funnel.
Example: Sunglasses company Shady Rays gets their current customers to generate leads by asking them to provide an email address of someone they think will like their brand. In exchange, Shady Rays gives the existing customer $15 if the lead makes a purchase.
Besides if you do have any questions give me a call:

Answered almost 4 years ago

Ron Carpenter

"5 startup business strategies explained."

Write articles about common chiropractic issues and treatments.
Webinars: Host webinars to educate potential patients about chiropractic care.
E-books: Create downloadable e-books as a lead magnet.
Social Media Marketing
Conduct live sessions where chiropractors answer common questions.
Instagram Stories: Showcase a 'day in the life' of a chiropractor or patient testimonials.
LinkedIn Articles: Publish articles aimed at educating a more professional audience.
Create how-to videos for simple exercises or explaining treatments.
Testimonial Videos: Use real patient testimonials to build credibility.

Answered about 1 year ago