

Mobile applications

How much should it cost to develop this IOS app?

A two page app. The first page is language selection and the second is 100 questions on a single scrolling page...when the question is clicked the answer expands downward and becomes visible.

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Paul Kemp

App developer, podcaster, founder of

As the host of 'The App Guy Podcast', I can introduce you to a few good developers ranging from inexpensive locations to $100 per hour top rates. As a quick guess, this type of app will start from $900 using a cross platform solution (Like Titanium Studio) to $5000 for Objective-C apps written on xCode
Let me know if you want an introduction by contacting me through my website or podcast
Paul Kemp - The App Guy Podcast

Answered about 10 years ago

Evan Luthra

Entrepreneur, Investor and Speaker

Having built multiple apps on my own and with a team and for emerging startups to Fortune 500 firms I can say with utmost confidence that your price and quality will vary greatly.

A simple basic app could be delivered to you for under $2000 or you could go spend over $20,000 working with professional user experience designers and developers.

Let me know if you would like to talk -

Answered about 10 years ago

Vangos Pterneas

Transforming good ideas into awesome products

If these are the only requirements of the app, its cost depends on who will build the app.

Keep in mind that you need both a designer and an engineer. The proper selection of the people who will build the app is crucial for the app success. If you have a solid business model for your app, you'd better hire a good team to do it. Otherwise, you can give it to an undergraduate student and get it for almost free.

As a technical person, I can tell you that not much work is required. However, the process most creative professionals adopt is the following:

- First of all, they need to know you and your business
- Secondly, they need to understand what is the unique feature of your app and what value are you bringing to the market
- Then, they propose 1-3 different design approaches, based on your business values
- Finally, they design and code the app according to your specifications

A good professional will also let you know the strengths and weaknesses of each approach. For example, having 100 questions is a single scrolling page may not be the best solution for the problem you are trying to solve.

For example, in my company we do not take projects for less than four-figure numbers, since anything lower than this would not worth our time, meeting sessions, roadmapping sessions, technical support, and more.

Keep in mind that, most of the times, you get what you pay for. Your budget is an investment for your business success. You can spend 100 bucks and get your app in the AppStore, but 1,000 bucks may guarantee better support, future improvements, immediate bug fixes, etc.

To sum up, the first question you need to ask is "how this app will help my business". Then, try to find out whether the professionals who'll build the app will bring you a return of your investment or not.

Answered about 10 years ago

Jordan Rejaud

Software Engineer

It really depends on the developer/designer combo and the app itself.

Are these questions hard coded in the app?
Are they dynamically retrieved from an online data base?
Will you be providing all the text in all languages or will the developer have to do that?

It it is very simple, price would start at ~ $1500 at the very minimum.

I am an Android developer; it is possible to cross develop iOS and Android apps at the same time using certain programs like phonegap. I also have connections with iOS developers (if you want a native iOS app) and designers, please give me a call if you would like to follow up.

Answered about 10 years ago

Marius Kraemer

No. 1 Bitcoin writer on Quora

I'm a an app developer from Germany myself and having built 31 apps over the last 3 years, some with more than half a million downloads, this app should be pretty simple to build.

If the questions are stored on the device, I can build this app for iPhone (native) for $1,300 for you if you want. If the questions come from the backend, I could build it for $1,900 for around $2,400 if you want to add push-notifications to your app.

We can set up a call and I can help you with the requirements of your app.

Answered about 10 years ago