

Entrepreneur Coaching

Is there a profitable platform in being a "Life Coach"?

I've often found myself being the go to person for advice on various career/education matters. Is there opportunity in the to build on as an aspiring entrepreneur?

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Dan Waldschmidt

Business Strategist, Speaker & Ultra-Runner

WHO THE HELL NEEDS A LIFE COACH? That's another name for "mom". How do you expect to charge for that?

Being a warm shoulder to lean on is quite a bit different than being able to charge people to give them advice. I drink beer (and talk strategy) with people that I would NEVER pay to listen to. On the other hand, I pay people for awesome advice -- and I don't ever drink beer with them.

What's the point? If you are an expert in something then CHARGE people for it. If they won't pay for it then you might not be as much of an expert as you think you are.

BTW, please don't call yourself a "life coach". That's so awful.

Answered over 10 years ago

Corey Michael

Clarity Expert

Ask yourself what are you here to do with your life. If serving other people in this manner is something that brings you tremendous joy, then yes, you can certainly generate income from it. Our company employs both a professional business coach and a therapist and we use both regularly. Intelligent people surround themselves with great mentors and coaches. Some you do not pay for, and others you do. As with any business, to be successful you will need to devote your time and energy to living in that space. Study the field. Hire other coaches and learn from them. Take great classes. Get certified. Give yourself the best possible chance to succeed.

Answered about 10 years ago

Andy Walker

Web monetization SEO Email Marketing Content Dev

Yes specialize, then develop great content on a blog around that specialty where you can draw an audience (How to get my marriage back on track; how to find my dream career; how to survive my teenagers powerfully) and capture email addresses and send great email that help people. Then sell them into an offer an video training course that focuses on solving 10 top top pain points of that speciality. And provide a moderated discussion forum. And give out weekly homework by email.

Answered about 10 years ago

Dr Sheri

Business & Life Strategist for Entrepreneurs

By the time we are over 40 most of us have amassed a huge amount of knowledge - the kind that there is no degree for! There is no reason why you can't leverage that wisdom and life experience into a career. The important thing to understand is that coaching is a business and you need to understand how to create a business structure that is going to monetize and be successful. Just because you can give good advice doesn't mean you are equipped to run a coaching practice. Based on that - I would suggest getting coaching for yourself - both in life and business coaching so you know what the heck you are getting yourself into. And make sure you build your business while you have a job so that you don't put stress on yourself because that will suck the joy right out of you if you have to be worried about finances. :)

Answered about 10 years ago

Meredith Eisenberg

Website and Marketing Automation Reviews

I have helped many life coaches build very successful businesses - the key issue is being able to solve problems people will pay you for. I've found that the more specific you can be in the type of problem you solve (do you help midlife professionals with second careers? or college graduates to position themselves for their first job?) - the better you'll do.

The steps for getting there:

1. Do some research - find out what problems people are having - that you can help them with.
2. Create a small scale offering and test it out with people you know who are willing to pay you a little bit for it.
3 Start building a community around it.

Best of luck with letting your brilliance shine through in the world!

Answered about 10 years ago

Achyut Menon

Search Consultant, Talent Magnet, Career Advisor

The importance of a career, in any professional's life- is perhaps as important as many other assets one acquires during a lifetime. So, if there is scope for a private banker, to help High Networth Individuals -manage their investments across different products ( real estate, bullion, stocks, etc), there is no reason why a "Career Manager' cannot add value.

More so, in a world where the half-life of technology is constantly reducing -the skills relevant for one's journey across each stage of the life cycle of their employment is changing.

Life time employment & Career ladders are passe. With increasing mortality of companies the onus of taking charge of one's career is now squarely on the 'employee'..who is now required to navigate thru the maze-on his own.

Retirement age is receding as our lifespans have become significantly longer. Today most of us have to change multiple careers -not just jobs- even at the risk of working for about 50 odd years, if one seeks to be employed. And there is a huge need for taking inventory of one's skills, transpant some of them -and constantly re-invent in a highly globalised world..

Surely..being a Life Coach can not just add value to many a life- but also provide a great lucrative career for many. And yes, you can collaborate with several other 'similar minded professionals' and monetise the network!

If Tiger Woods needed a coach..we can all do better with one, right !?

Answered about 10 years ago

Robert Kennedy

President - In 28 Days, LLC

You might start by asking some of the people that ask you questions, "Listen, I'm thinking of starting an additional business using this as one of my services. What do you think would be a reasonable cost for this advice?"

Let THEM give you an answer. Then if they come to you later, they are clear that there may be a cost of some sort.

Some may not like it at first. but, if you believe that you are GOOD at it and they find your information valuable, then they will create some way to exchange value with you. If not, then they are either not that committed to transformation. OR, you may have some work to do with refining your own value offering.

Answered about 10 years ago

Jonathan Vollett

Aspiring founder & Meta-learner

It depends where those leads are coming from. If your close friends are the ones asking you for advice, then they are probably aware of how valuable you are as a friend, and (hopefully) try and pay that back, or forward, in their own way. I would not advise charging these individuals for your wisdom - it may cheapen your relationship.

If they are not your close friends, asking for financial compensation for your ear and time, in my opinion, is more than reasonable. Time is money, and a non-renewable asset. If they are unwilling to compensate you in some form - than your wisdom may not be as valuable a product in the market place as you think.

With the above taken into consideration, there may be a third way. My father, CEO of Vollett Executive Coaching has successfully sold his coaching-ability through an "influencer strategy", which involves almost no digital marketing, or marketing spend of any kind, and has resulted in 15 years of steady work.

Feel free to book time with me if you would like to learn more.

Answered about 10 years ago

Joy Broto

🌎Harvard Certified Global Corporate Trainer🌍

We all need a little help sometimes, especially when it comes to journeys of self-discovery. Whether your goal is to be more confident or to find fulfilment in a passion project, it can be pretty tough to figure out how to get from point A (identifying a goal) to point B (actually going after and achieving that goal). That is where a life coach comes in. Like a therapist, a life coach is someone who can help you identify strengths and weaknesses and overcome obstacles holding you back in any area of your life be it in business, sports, family life. They help you recognize your true potential and put it to good use. There are many platforms for that where you can help people in various aspects of life for example:
1. Ask Wonder
2. Just Answer
3. Maven
4. 6ya
5. Operator
6. On Frontiers
7. 10EQS
8. Internal Consulting
9. Expert360
10.Presto Experts
But as I can see from your question that you wish to build on an aspiring entrepreneur career on it. Keep in mind these points if you wish to begin that way:
1. Attract the best and repel the rest: The secret to a profitable coaching business is selecting the right clients. Do not get into the “fixing” business of turning losers into winners; it is exhausting. You know the people I am talking about — they say they want something but do not take action to get there or are not willing to pay for it. Instead, focus on helping ambitious people who are already successful get to the next level. Your life will be easier, and they will get great results because success is in their DNA. To do this, you must be outstanding at what you do. Your services or insights must really work. So, ask yourself: Am I the best in the world at what I do? To make a lot of money, you must deliver a lot of value.
2. Envision your ideal business and work backwards: Too many coaches get stuck in a reactive business model with no idea who they serve, how, or why, much less how to market to them. They have no strategy and are constantly spinning wheels without any idea what is next. They are always trying something new, hopping from tactic to tactic, but they never get anywhere. They are working hard, but nothing works. Successful coaches, on the other hand, are proactive. They set a vision and take strategic action to make it come true. They imagine their ideal business and work backwards to make it a reality. They know exactly who they serve, how they serve them, and why. With absurd focus, they follow a single marketing plan that reaches those clients. When you are working with a client, you should not waste a minute of your time or energy. Your goal is to optimize every part of the process. After all, that is why they will pay you the big bucks. Think about how you spend time on your own business the same way. Everything you do should support your vision.
3. Do not share all your knowledge at once: First, pick a niche so you speak your clients’ language. Second, do not offer a month-to-month program; require a 12-month commitment. Your clients probably will not get results right away; so, if they are not committed, they will likely quit in the first month or two. Third, only give your clients what they need to get to the next level. Just because you have a lot to share does not mean you need to share it right away. Your clients will get overwhelmed if they feel like they are drinking out of a fire hydrant, and analysis paralysis leads to inaction. Give them what they need now with a timeline, let them execute, and then give them what is next. Finally, do not beat your own chest and say how awesome you are in your ads. Your marketing should use case studies and testimonials from clients who have gone through your program, experienced results, and improved their lives or businesses. That is how you get leads that will convert into paying clients.
4. Be clear about your message and your value: Language is powerful. Yet most coaches often dismiss it because they are unclear about their message and the value they offer. Get crystal clear on your brand before you launch. Productize your service into a clear, compelling offering that is distinguishable and felt. Avoid overused, generalist language like “happiness,” “spiritual,” “divine,” “well-being,” “transformation,” and “catalyst.” Humans are cognitively aroused by contrast and detail and quickly fatigue with repetitive broad messaging that does not deliver a story. Coaching is a billion-dollar industry that is growing rapidly; but as a result, it is saturated with cookie-cutter messages, language, visual identities, and digital marketing funnels that look and feel the same. The good news? This is the perfect opportunity to cut through the noise and become a reputable, trusted authority through your brand.
5. Only work with your perfect client: First, map out a clear framework, business plan, guidelines, and client expectations. Next, get really clear on your client avatar. Who is the perfect client you would love to work with and can get amazing results for? When you start out, it is tempting to accept clients you do not understand or who might not be a fit so you can grow your business. But that always comes back to bite you. You do them a disservice and they take more time and energy than five of your perfect clients combined. So, get clear on your offer, the packages, and prices, and who you serve best; then stick to it.
6. Ignore conventional sales and marketing advice and be your true self: Listen to that internal voice telling you who you want to serve and what you want to share with the world. Backing yourself and being unapologetically you are what is most important. You could be the hardest-working coach in the world and follow the best advice about marketing and selling, but if you’re doing it with a mask or filter over what you’re really about on a soul level, you’re building the wrong house — and eventually, it will fall to pieces. You will continually feel exhausted, drained, and frustrated trying to grow a business that is not right for you or your beliefs.
7. Create a streamlined system to attract clients and maximize profits: First, attract the type of clients you love to work with. You need a system and process in place, so they come to you, rather than you are chasing them. Then you must convert your leads into clients, which is where most coaches try to do too much. You can build a million-dollar business from one conversion event. Finally, deliver your coaching in a way that gets your clients the best results, minimizes the time you spend so you can scale your business and create the lifestyle you want, and maximizes your profits. That is how you create a coaching business that gives you more money, more impact, and more freedom.
Besides if you do have any questions give me a call:

Answered about 4 years ago